Neue Songs von Aloe Blacc
14.10.2020 - Der Musiker kämpft für die Black Lives Matter-Bewegung. logo! hat ihn in Berlin getroffen.
14.10.2020 - Der Musiker kämpft für die Black Lives Matter-Bewegung. logo! hat ihn in Berlin getroffen.
04.04.2018 - Martin Luther King setzte sich für die Rechte der schwarzen Bevölkerung ein. Vor 50 Jahren wurde er von einem Attentäter erschossen.
Aus dem Inhalt:
[...] Sie heißt Black Lives Matter (Schwarze Leben zählen) und setzt sich dafür ein, dass Menschen mit heller und dunkler Hautfarbe wirklich gleichgestellt [...]
Acid House ist ein in der zweiten Hälfte der 1980er-Jahre in England entstandener Stil elektronischer Tanzmusik , der die von den DJs erstellten Dance-Mix-Versionen häufig mit Live-Percussion verband und als europäische Variante der Chicagoer House Music in den Diskotheken rund um die Welt eine außerordentliche Resonanz fand.
20.02.2008 - One o'clock in the morning at "Tramps" in New York. It's as full as the Cavern Club in Liverpool used to be when the Beatles played there. And now, with similar enthusiasm, the audience is waiting for one of the hottest acts on the Hip Hop scene: the Blastmaster of Rap - KRS One. KRS One: "Hip Hop is formed out of the necessity to have an identity in a society that doesn't recognize you.".
20.02.2008 - Wayne County Jail. The detention center in Detroit, Michigan. Two o'clock in the afternoon. Sheriff Althea Rene's shift is over. Since 6 in the morning, she's been supervising women detainees awaiting trial. Drug addicts, minor offenders, prostitutes. Althea doesn't love her job. But it gives her a steady income - money that she needs to live on.
20.02.2008 - Spider Rock in the de Chelly Canyon. A sacred place. This is where the Spider Woman is said to have taught the art of weaving to the first human. "Dineh" - human - is what the Navajos call themselves to this day. At 200,000 people, they are the largest tribe of native Americans. For the Navajo, their land is sacred.
Aus dem Inhalt:
[...] Maxine Kescoli lives in the middle of the Black Mesa and she's in the way of the coal mine. The road to Maxine's place goes right through the Black Mesa and [...]
Der Begriff “Short Story“ wurde erst ca. 60 Jahre nach den ersten veröffentlichten Kurzgeschichten geprägt. Kurzgeschichten sind ein fester Bestandteil der amerikanischen Literaturgeschichte.
Aus dem Inhalt:
[...] The term “short story” was not used before 1885 when BRANDER MATTHEWS's used it in his Philosophy of the Short Story. [...]
Lebenslauf des Musikwissenschaftlers und Komponisten Michael Beiert, der zurzeit in Liverpool einen PhD in elektroakustischer Komposition macht.
20.02.2008 - They came from England, across the great ocean, believing that they were on their way to a state of blessedness. They called themselves the "Pilgrim Fathers" and their ship was the Mayflower. It was the year 1620. But on board the overcrowded ship were not only puritanical Pilgrim Fathers, fleeing from religious persecution in their homeland.
Aus dem Inhalt:
[...] Those are some of the main reasons why I'm doing it - continuing to make music and why I started it in the first place." Gothic : pale faces, black robes, [...]
20.02.2008 - The Keller Plantation in Louisiana. At one time, the radiantly white property of a white plantation owner. The paint is peeled off. Those days are gone. "You got to move ...". The Mississippi, cotton plantations, slave labour. Here, on the shores of the mighty American river, the Blues was born. The Blues is still alive today.
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